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September 11, 2007


IDN ebook

Or they could just use a IDN for this , because we all know how difficult it would be to spell counterfeit in chinese of Japanese if the shoe was on the other foot.

Ed - Michigan

" [email protected] "

Ed - Michigan

Todd Mintz

Misspellings of a generic keyword...sounds like a domain strategy:.)


>Only problem.. how many people in Asia can correctly spell or say >"counterfeit" ... Oooops!

Your getting there, Frank!

How about 假劣 ? :)

Conor Neu

This helps describe the need for further IDN development. Apple should have bought the IDN's, say 蘋果.com or 蘋果.cn, which I think means "Apple" in Traditional Chinese (for Taiwan), and used an address such as 911@蘋果.com. I believe Unicode characters cannot be used in front of the "@" sign yet in emails, but at least the domain can be handled correctly.


Epiphany anybody ?

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