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October 19, 2007


David Wrixon

Frank, I think he is talking about People Individually where as you are talking People Collectively. Amounts to the same thing.

Max Menius

"You're getting warmer". Big corporations seem content to live in a world of their making while taking only an occasional glimpse at the greater landscape (which has been evolving all around them). The torch always seems to get passed when companies become complacent, i.e. IBM -> Microsoft -> Google -> ???

Steve Smith

Hi Frank,
I couldn't agree with you more on your comment about Viacom suggesting people will travel to only hundreds of sites for video content. After reading the article, I sense that these people don't understand that YouTube is a video search engine. Of course there will be tons of niche video sites developed through the web's videocast evolution & the future of internet TV.
All the best,
Steve Smith

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