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September 06, 2007


Domainer's Gazette

hey Frank,

thought I'd share a brain dump I just posted over at Domainer's Gazette. I basically cataloged a basic guide for any new'ish domainer or SEOmainer entering the field, from buying, to developing, to monetizing, and analyzing.. feel free to add anything you think I may have missed.. hope the move is going well..



Chris Ward


I thought you might be interested in this new eBay listing. 319 .org and .com family surname domain names being sold in one block. (Yes, these names are owned by us.)

I had written to Michael Gilmour that there has been a lot of lamenting regarding the domain industry: i.e. Too tough to get portfolios going, no decent blocks of

Here is a direct rebuttal to those arguments. :-)



I can't see too many valuable names listed in the story, sounds like a fluff piece to me.

David Wrixon

I think the "Moment in Time" message is probably one of the most useful if somewhat obvious message to come out of just about any domaining discussion ever held.

The big question is what is this the moment is time for? It is certainly not the moment to be fresh regging ASCII.com!


Yep... and the Geo domain names can be worth even more! I own a city domain name and you don't just own a static noun, verb, adjective but a living item that may grow, produces news, generates tourism. And you aren't just selling a domain name but control and power of a city! I set-up the email address "major" just to see what would happen and sure enough, people contacting it thinking they are reaching the city mayor! Imagine what one can do to a major during elections! Or just after a major natural event (earthquake, hurricane, etc) the website can reflex death, destruction, we are closed for the next few year or show all of the positive and everything back to normal within a month. Look at what Vegas.com has done with itself, so what is that domain worth be it self? $10-20-50 million maybe even more, considering tourism is one of the few consistent growing segment of the internet. What are your thoughts.


Very interesting and the Geo domain names can be worth even more! I own a city domain name, and you don't just own a static noun, verb, adjective but a living item that may grow, produces news, generates tourism. And you aren't just selling a domain name but control and power of a city! I setup the email address "major" just to see what would happen and sure enough, people contacting it thinking they are reaching the city mayor! Imagine what one can do to a major during elections! Or just after a major natural event (earthquake, hurricane, etc) the website can reflex death, destruction, we are closed for the next few year or show all the positive and everything back to normal within a month. Look at what Vegas.com has done with itself, so what is that domain worth itself? $10-20-50 million maybe even more, considering tourism is one of the few consistent growing segment of the internet. What are your thoughts?

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